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Vertically integrated. Nationally recognized.

By contracting directly with pharmacies and consistently beating competitors and insurance copays on price, SingleCare has quickly become one of the fastest-growing discount cards and the #2 overall savings card by market share and brand recognition.

$11+ billion

saved to date

41+ million

unique visitors a year

3+ million

users enrolled in our free rewards program

35,000+ pharmacy partners

& many more

35,000+ pharmacy partners

& many more

What sets SingleCare apart?

Vertical integration

Unlike other prescription discount cards, SingleCare doesn’t rely on third-party PBMs for pricing, adjudication, and reconciliation. 

Instead, we use our powerful adjudication platform, RxIQ Enterprise, and we contract directly with our pharmacy partners to negotiate rates that are fair and sustainable for both pharmacies and consumers.

A game-changing advantage

Our best-in-class pricing team has built proprietary AI and Machine-Learning algorithms that set competitive prices for consumers.


Just as important, our pricing algorithms take our pharmacy partners’ economics into account while ensuring we maintain compliance with our pharmacy contracts.

Download the free
SingleCare mobile app

Thousands of five-star reviews

SingleCare is simple to use, available via our website, mobile app, and physical cards, and offers consistently low prices on more than 10,000 of the most commonly prescribed drugs. 

It’s no wonder our users love us.

A unique rewards program

SingleCare is the only prescription discount card with a free rewards program. Members earn a sign-up bonus, plus additional bonus savings whenever they fill eligible prescriptions.

Investment in marketing

Our dynamic marketing team educates consumers on the benefits of using SingleCare to afford and adhere to their prescription medications.


Likewise, our pharmacy partners benefit from the increased exposure, as we make sure consumers know where they can use SingleCare to save on their medications.

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